Look. Do. Walktober, Rivers, Equine Affaire

When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton

Don't miss the incredible opportunity to tour a spectacular region of New England in “Walktober.”
The “Walking Weekend” concept originally began on the Columbus Day holiday a decade ago and has grown over time to a month-long series of walks, tours, talks, farms with livestock, even one with bison.

Paddle a canoe or kayak (yes, you could say these are “walks” on waters), explore the Still River, learn about mills, fly casting, trout – well, you get the idea.

The Last Green Valley (the northeast corner of Connecticut and the southeast of Massachusetts) event offers some 117 events for walkers of every caliber to explore history, natural resources, farms, archaeology and the arts.

For a complete listing, visit www.tlgv.org. A PDF brochure is available online, or pick up a print version at tourism welcome centers, such as Olde Mistick Village.

As a natural wonder we may take for granted, the mighty Connecticut River is New England's largest. Yes, New England. The river begins in northern New Hampshire near the Canadian border and flows south approximately 407 miles, through four states to Long Island Sound.

Volunteers from Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut will turn out Saturday, Oct. 19 to pick up trash and debris from the banks of river in each state.

The Connecticut River Watershed Council spearheads the annual cleanup and says more volunteers are always welcome. To sign up, visit www.ctriver.org. (The original date in early October was postponed due to heavy rains.)

FFA Mattabeset Chapter students, their parents, advisors and fans met at the north-flowing Coginchaug River (a tributary for the Connecticut River) to cheer on a fleet of toy ducks, a fundraiser to help them go to the National FFA Convention, Oct. 20 through Oct. 23 in Indianapolis.

Be sure to mark your calendar for an upcoming event that will bring together more than 400 of the nation's leading equine-related retailers, manufacturers, service providers, and organizations to fill five exhibit halls. The Equine Affaire is Nov. 11 to Nov. 14.

Tack, riding apparel, artwork, gifts, and grooming supplies to fencing, stalls, barns, farm equipment, horse trailers, and nearly everything imaginable related to horses at Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield, Mass. (More details about this event, coming up.)

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