Winner, Big E $30,000 Six-Horse Hitch Showdown

Wilderness Ridge Farms of Michigan is the champion of The Big E $30,000 Six-Horse Hitch Showdown, one of the qualifying shows of the North American Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series. Owner is Robert Gunville. Driver Bud Miller along with Wayne McCary, president and CEO of Eastern States Exposition (ESE), did a victory lap for the crowd in the ESE arena, after the three-day competition finale which featured draft horse teams and drivers from across the country and Canada.

Taking second, Jackson Fork Ranch, owner Joe Ricketts. Third, All-Star Farms, Doyle and Renee Dingman; Nick and Cherie Wagner.

Each year, six horse hitches across the U.S. States and Canada compete at state fairs and agricultural exhibitions to accumulate points for the classic series, according to the North American Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series (NASHHCS) site. “Close to 200 teams travel within their region and beyond, competing at 60 qualifying shows throughout North America.”Once the final numbers are reported, the top four hitches in each of three breed classifications; Belgian, Percheron, and Clydesdale/Shire are invited to attend and participate in the finals championship show.

The competition builds to a crescendo when the four highest point hitches in each of three breed classifications are invited to compete for the North American Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series Final Championship.

The series began in 1987 with an idea by Dr. John Weber of Ocala, Florida, who wanted to “promote the draft horse breeds in all levels of competition.” For more about the association, or to see previous year's champions and photographs, visit the NASHHCS site.

At the show weekend:

“Show me your horse and I will tell you who you are.” -English proverb

Can't get enough of horseflesh? Equine Affaire, a national equine trade show/gathering dates are Nov. 11 through Nov. 13 at Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield, Mass.

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