Of Dogs And Horses, Farms, Markets And Ice Skates

Exceptional. That's one word that sums up a photographic project called Landfill Dogs, created by Mary Shannon Johnstone, who points her camera at the most overlooked dogs at Wake County Animal Center in Raleigh, North Carolina. She takes the dogs outdoors and uses a landfill of all places – which has the room for canines to run, leap, play – then captures the images of the energetic true personalities which emerge. This ongoing effort recently made national news in an ABC News report by Diane Sawyer.

Landfill Dogs image is linked to Facebook page for more adoptable dogs.

Landfill Dogs image is linked to Facebook page for more adoptable canines.

Every day people grow, make, create, work – with heart, dedication and a lot of elbow grease.

As we honor the spirit of this time of year (all about light over dark no matter which way is your preference to honor it), the noisy hoopla can serve as a reminder to seek the more quiet happenings – and the people who every day get up, pack lunches, go to work, cultivate their businesses, deliver on time. Overwhelmed? Remember. Say you can't own a dog right now; well, how about taking a shelter dog out for a walk to breathe fresh air? Maybe volunteer to pitch in at a school, visit someone who has no one; find the space to listen to that quiet still voice that's trying to tell you something.Feeding time at the barn.

No time? Choose to support another's efforts – simply ask at your vet's or a feed store for worthy places in your community as there are always dogs and cats (humans and equines too) that need a dose of love and attention.

Here's one such gathering: Donations of pet food and supplies (dry or canned food, clean blankets, toys or even monetary support) can be dropped off at the Mini Mustangs 4-H Horse Club community service project to benefit “Help Willy's Friends” on Saturday, Dec. 14, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., on the Durham Town Green.Willy's Friends holiday event.If you want to help but can't make it that day, call Pat Bandzes (860) 777-5685 or email pbandzes@gmail.com; more about the non-profit at www.helpwillysfriends.org.

As for well-made products, useful tools, goods for pets and livestock, quality feed and specialty products – they make great gifts. Consider creating a gift of food basket: Fruit (of course), maple butter, fruit spreads, spice mixes, colorful jams, relishes, sauces, jellies, plus mixes in canning jars with a recipe attached. Tuck in wine, crackers, nut and dried fruits, granola crunches. Always welcome are buttercream-topped cupcakes, morsels of sweet dense cakes, a plate of chewy cookies, fruit or cream pies, and other desserts, some sweet apple (or pear) cider.

All the gifts you have that can't be bought - well, that's an awful lot of things most of us take for granted.One of my favorite memories is of a cold winter's day delivering homemade gingersnaps on horseback to neighbors and friends – and then making a fresh carrot wreath for the barn. Crunch, crunch, chomp – the horses made short work of the edible decoration, but that was part of the fun.

Skating together at Rockefeller Center in New York City. CCM photo, used with permission.

Skating together.

“The best thing to spend on your children is your time.”

Hint: If you're stumped for ideas, make tracks to a market and wander around – try some samples, ask people who can help with suggestions. Consider a certificate for a favorite farm store, market vendor or shop – think of it as a gift of good taste – and beauty from the inside out.

The Meriden Ice Skating Rink is scheduled to open Dec. 16 at the former Meriden Hub (now an open lot) 2-48 Pratt St./East Main St. This area that will be transformed into a park and greenway with new solutions to a free-flowing (it has flooded downtown businesses in the past) problematic brook. This is a fledgling effort, so if you are shy and would rather a crowd, try Winterfest Hartford in Bushnell Park, which has gained momentum since its inception a few years back. Ongoing to Feb. 1 with public skating, carousel rides, photos with Santa and food vendors. Skating is daily, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.; hours vary for the photos and carousel. Visit www.hartford.com for details.
Snowflakes and a kiss.

Remember to get the word out there about a special person, place or project. After all, the public can't find wonderful things if they don't even know about them. Think of news people as pollinators, carrying stories and ideas to and fro to connect people to events, places and a region. After the holiday rush, submit or update information about your farm or market listing by visiting Farm Fresh, www.farmfresh.org, a helpful site that can connect interested humans with nifty goods or places worth visiting.

For help with the how-tos, contact the editor at editorccb@gmail.com. For a special event or community happening call us at (860) 573-6181. Featured images are linked to page of origination with attribution so readers may easily access information about a noteworthy project or site.

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