Get Around: Wander Back Roads, Find A New (Canine or Equine) Companion

So much going on, and the weather alternates between perfect and rain showers – good for farmers, gardens, pastures, and lawns. Roam near to home, or farther away – it is good to see new sights and rediscover old favorites.

You never know what will be found along the way. CB/MDP

You never know what will be found along the way. CB/MDP

Maybe find your next new friend at Bark in the Park at Lake Mohegan, Sunday, May 22, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Fairfield, Connecticut.

Perrie is a 30-pound boxer/bully mix. She is 11 months old and loves to play with other dogs. A sweetie who gets along with all she meets, she will make a great family dog. Image is linked to Little Black Dog Rescue for more canines looking for their people and a home all their own.

Perrie is a 30-pound boxer/bully mix. She is 11 months old and loves to play with other dogs. A sweetie who gets along with all she meets, she will make a great family dog. Image is linked to Little Black Dog Rescue for more canines looking for their people and a home all their own.

Come out for a day of fun in support the local non-profit Little Black Dog Rescue. Hosted by The Buzz Truck and The Two Oh Three, the event includes family-friendly lawn games and activities. Alene's Ice Cream Truck will be on site. Even if you aren't ready to adopt, find out how you can get involved by becoming a foster family, hosting a bake sale, or just walking an adoptable dog in town to get noticed.

It is amazing what information gets around by word of mouth.

It is amazing what information gets around by word of mouth.

Groundswell's Spring Mixer & Plant Swap, Sunday, May 22, 2 to 6 p.m., at the office 225 South Fulton St., Ithaca, NY. Plant and seed swap, fun, food by Iron Owl Kitchen, drinks, and great music. First meeting of our Homestead Farmer and Gardener Network.

Garden strawberries are now in flower and setting fruit. These are easy to grow – even in window boxes or containers.

Tips include: Plant in full sun or dappled shade, and in somewhat sandy soil. The addition of manure and a balanced fertilizer aids strong growth. Alternatively they can be planted in pots or special planters using compost. … Propagation is by runners, which can be pegged down to encourage them to take root,[39] or cut off and placed in a new location. Established plants should be replaced every three years, or sooner if there are signs of disease. – Wikipedia

Strawberries flowering in well-tilled earth. TW/MDP

Strawberries flowering in well-tilled earth. TW/MDP

Would add to buy plants from a quality grower; those purchased from Gurney's of South Dakota via mail order two decades ago arrived bare root. They quickly took to the rich earth of the garden and have since spread.

Cozy kitty among the transplants and seedlings.

Cozy kitty among the transplants and seedlings.

Massachusetts Quarter Horse Show continues Sunday, May 22 at the Eastern States Exposition Coliseum. Free.

For ideas where to roam with great respect to the land and open space and the people who work tirelessly to preserve these gems, see our Land • Walks page.

A spray of pink dogwood lights up the landscape. TW/MDP.

A spray of pink dogwood lights up the landscape. TW/MDP.

A sign points the way - New England Trail section in Giuiffrida Park - trails wend along on the Middletown-Meriden line.

A sign points the way – New England Trail section in Guiffrida Park – trails wend along on the Middletown-Meriden line. Many wildflowers along the trails to enjoy as they grow.

Thunbergia, easy to grow from seed.

Thunbergia, easy to grow from seed.

“Sometimes what you want is right in front of you. All you have to do is open your eyes and see it.” – Meg Cabot

One structure at the Coggenshall Living History Farm and Museum. Linked to a collection of tools donated to the site.

One structure at the Coggenshall Living History Farm and Museum. Linked to a collection of tools donated to the site.

Tools in the Tim Bornstein Collection may be viewed online. ​Planes, braces, bits, augers, squares and bevels are beautifully photographed.

Horse trophies for draft horse show.

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