Life Stories: An Artifact In Time Thomas Lee House

Located at the junction of Giant's Neck Road and Route 156, East Lyme, Connecticut, the land includes the Little Boston Schoolhouse (1734) relocated here. There is also what looks like a privy nearby. A dormant garden (East Lyme Garden Club) in the back of the house is a more recent addition, earmarked for a re-visit during the growing season. Because of the efforts of dedicated people, the house still stands and is preserved by the members of the East Lyme Historical Society. The house is not far from what is called Bride Brook, a waterway native people knew as Sunkapaug.

“Originally the plan of the house was a single room facing south with a great stone chimney at the western end,” according to CT Trust for Historic Preservation, which features details of the property on its Alphabetic List of Historic Districts and Properties. From the East Lyme Historical Society site (which has a wealth of information): “The original circa 1660 dwelling consisted of a timber frame erected on six two-story wall posts, enclosing a ground floor with the Judgement Hall below and the Chamber above.”

For the complete story (updated May 2018), visit this link.

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