Category Archives: Telling Stories

Herd Ideas Into Being: Press On With A Corral Full Of Them

Mad Mare is one.

Clouds in the river at the ferry crossing. Ferry not running, our day returning from the vet.

Ashleigh's Garden connection to Pandemonium Rainforest Project in Deep River. Two.

The rich soils of Glastonbury, tobacco in flower.

The community shaping Haddam Center, three.

Oreo cows, four.

Ninth generation of dairy farming, Bethany, sharing that those huge trees on property lines may contain hardware, from long-vanished fencing. Stay alert while using chainsaw. From a chance encounter while at Lock, Stock & Barrel while at the counter in the power equipment side, after choosing a Stihl tree limber. That's five.

The former Meriden High School tower room, tour. Six.

Kriz Farm blacksmith, ice cream too. Seven.

Swirling into the scheduling of life, say hello canine cancer (to be confirmed by the lab this week). Swollen glands speaking loudly.

Delectable sweet corn, pies, produce. Q-P Farm Market on the Marlborough Road is another branch of Gotta's Farm in Portland, Connecticut.

Yep. As cicadas shimmering sounds add to summer, katydids talk to each other at night, which follows day. Wanting to stay right with her, my four-legged companion. As a beloved sister walks her journey through cancer country. Let's travel together.

Because time and love matter. Face the light and shove shadows behind us. Call to the forces that feed the body, mind, soul. Food as medicine to support all.

Choices. Priorities, balance.

Mom's ever-present questions: Did you do your best? She's gone from the planet but her love and example for facing life's storms and joys stays.

Now some highlights from the app formerly known as Twitter, a news feed of sights and ideas, concepts and people who try their best:

And as Hootie found a way home to then let his life go right there in front of his home. Peaceful passing, green grass. I came home to you. So you would know. I came home. That's a gift you see.

Maybe the same drive, home to you. So you will know. Home to you.

Connecticut River Museum from 2019, seen, so much to learn.

Storms of life? Giving thanks every day for such capable parents, a family knit together that knows what is important and demonstrates consistent capability; love as a verb. Press on.

Life with dogs, horses, growing ideas into reality.

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