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Connecticut River Valley: Rockfall Foundation 2018 Environmental Awards

Quietly and consistently connecting people with vision and a commitment to community – land, water, sky, trails, nature and the outdoors – and enriching the world because of their efforts. The Rockfall Foundation, headquartered in Middletown, Connecticut, was founded in 1935 by philanthropist Clarence S. Wadsworth. The Rockfall Foundation is one of Connecticutā€™s oldest environmental organizations and supports environmental education, conservation and planning initiatives in the Lower Connecticut River Valley through public programs and grants.

Learning about places of great beauty and a commitment to community, part of The Rockfall Foundation's work year round.

The foundation's offices are in the historic deKoven House (which it owns and maintains), a stately brick structure listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings as the Captain Benjamin Williams House. Windows offer views the Connecticut River (and Route 9 in between); the foundation offers meeting rooms and office space for non-profit organizations.

Rockfall Foundation 2018 Environmental Awards, Portland's Airline Trail.

Here are recipients of the 2018 Rockfall Foundation Environmental Awards and Certificates of Appreciation, presented to the Town of Killingworth and the Parmelee Farm Committee; the Town of Portland and the Air Line Trail Steering Committee; and East Haddam teacher Shaleen Thody.

George Moore, emeritus Lyme Land Trust image, linked to more information and accomplishments.

Lyme resident and former Executive Director of Lyme Land Conservation Trust, George Moore, Tom ODell Distinguished Service Award. George Moore was elected to the Lyme Land Conservation Trust Board as a volunteer director in 2003. In 2007, he was elected board president, and in 2013 was appointed as its first executive director. Through his vision and effective management over 14 years, George helped transform the Lyme Land Trust into one of the most active and successful in the state. Among his many accomplishments are building the land trustā€™s membership to half the households in town; the acquisition of numerous preserves and working with conservation partners to increase protected land in Lyme to more than 50 percent; assisting with securing national accreditation from the Land Trust Alliance; arranging for the production of the PBS films A Conservation Minded Town and The Rest of the Story; and organizing and managing the Land Trustā€™s highly successful annual fundraiser: the Tour de Lyme. He retired in late 2017 and was named director emeritus, a position created in honor of his service. George also served for three years representing the Northeast on Terrafirma RRGā€™s Member Committee, which helps land trusts defend conservation properties and easements from encroachment.

Certificates of Appreciation: The Town of Killingworth established the Parmelee Farm Committee in 2009 to develop long-range plans for the use of this property that had been purchased by the town in 2000. Initially a group of derelict buildings and a tangle of brush and weeds, volunteers transformed the property to a community hub. Today, the farm includes community gardens, nine miles of woodland trails, an historic farmhouse, a bird-watching blind, and an open air pavilion. Festivals, concerts, educational workshops and markets take place here, and community organizations use the farm for a wide variety of outdoor activities. A maple sugar house is currently being constructed to teach people about the process of producing maple syrup. The property, which was established in 1847, was granted a listing on the State Register of Historic Places in 2011.

Parmalee Farm's farmhouse in summer with stone wall foreground. There are trails, gardens, beauty to be found here in every season. CB/MDP

The Town of Portland formed the Air Line Trail Steering Committee in 2014 to formally organize individual efforts to develop the Air Line rail route in Portland to a rails-to-trails greenway. The volunteer committee, in cooperation with town departments and officials, successfully developed a site plan, licensed the land, received funding, and hired engineering and construction companies. Construction of Phase 1 of the trail began in 2017 and June 3, 2018 marked the official opening of the trail to the public. Phase 1 of the trail runs about 2.3 miles and includes several descriptive displays to highlight notable points of history along the trail. Work has started on Phase 2 of the Portland trail, with a goal of continuing west to downtown Portland, the bridge to Middletown, and the riverfront park area. Portlandā€™s trail should soon also connect to the current 53-mile long Air Line State Park Trail.

Shaleen Thody developed the Environmental Club at Nathan Hale Ray Middle School in Moodus in 2013 to engage students in learning about local wildlife and conservation measures.

Shaleen Thody, 8th grade science teacher,
Nathan Hale-Ray Middle School.

She partnered with the East Haddam Land Trust to engage individuals with the relevant knowledge and experience necessary to begin trail construction on school property. There are now more than two miles of trails, picnic tables and benches, a bridge installed across a river, and trail maps, amongst many other highlights. Thody has led the students to identify more than 45 plants and trees along the trails, identify and mark wetlands, and develop both a vegetable and a butterfly garden on school grounds. Under her leadership, the Environmental Club harvested and prepared produce from the garden to serve with studentsā€™ lunches in the cafeteria. Thody has also integrated work with the Next Generation Science Standards into studying the nature trail and the garden with all of her classes.

Through two guided walks for local families and a field trip for Farm Hill School students, “A Celebration of Trees of Indian Hill Cemetery” connected students with a notable site to learn about the beautiful trees at Indian Hill Cemetery in Middletown, Connecticut, the geology of the tombstones, local history, all while enjoying time in nature in one of the Connecticut River city's most lovely, park-like cemeteries. Included, a family-oriented tree walk.

A tree atop Indian Hill Cemetery.

Also: The Virginia R. Rollefson Environmental Leadership Scholarship recognizes outstanding contributions by a high school student residing in the Lower Connecticut River Valley who is presently involved with a significant environmental program or project in the areas of natural resource preservation, conservation, restoration or development each year. Eligible students must reside in Chester, Clinton, Cromwell, Deep River, Durham, East Haddam, East Hampton, Essex, Haddam, Killingworth, Lyme, Middlefield, Middletown, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, Portland, or Westbrook.

For additional information about community events, visit the foundation's Facebook page, find them on Twitter, or call (860) 347-0340.

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