Category Archives: Telling Stories

CT Aviation: Hands-on STEM, Airports, New England Air Museum

“Those who say it can't be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.” — James Baldwin

Aerospace, aviation. Flightline, preflight, marshal an aircraft. Tech school, principles of flight, applied physics, learning the language of USAF aerospace mechanics, torque wrenches. Technical orders. IFR, rescue and recovery. Hey, the drogue deployed but the reel won't retract and the hose is full of fuel. Alpha, Bravo, Charley, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot. TDY? Yes, many. The seeds of dreams can start in childhood seeing possibilities, potential. Then aim and find a way to achieve, do, be.

From the aviation timeline hall – barnstormers section, this 1920s photo.

How far will dreams (plus dedicated hard work) take a person passionate about aviation and learning how things work?

Editor's note: This story has been archived. Adding some more recent aviation/aerospace information, news in 2022.

Welcome to the adventure and inspiration of aviation and aerospace.

“Two Pratt & Whitney R 1340 Wasp engines powered this craft to a top speed of 68 MPH.”

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