For Farm, Earth, Family: Weekend Or Walk
Every day is Earth Day – as those who mother life (of either gender) should be celebrated and treasured each day – that includes the planet that supports and feeds us all.

Our pick for an exceptional opportunity: Should your child love animals and nature and be in any grade 3 through 8, the 4-H at Hungerford Park in Kensington offers activities that include caring for resident farm animals, gardening, trail maintenance, and environmental stewardship. The program is run in collaboration with the 4-H Youth Development Program, part of University of CT Cooperative Extension. There is no fee but pre-registration is required. Call Lashawn Christie at (860) 570- 9080 for an application; Hungerford at (860) 827-9064.
This gem of a park-nature center is home to farm and exotic animals, a trail system, pond, gardens and changing exhibits on science, natural history, geology, agriculture. There's a picnic area and playscape, plus a gift shop, all at 191 Farmington Ave. (Route 372). To walk the trails? Free. To tour inside costs $4, seniors $3, children (2-17) $2; younger than 2, free. But do ask about the variety of programs offered for all ages and families. Hours and information at Family Earth Day is Saturday, May 4, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with birds of prey and reptile presentations plus crafts for children. Admission, $4 and $2 for children.
The 104th Connecticut Sheep, Wool & Fiber Festival is Saturday, April 27, rain or shine, at the Tolland Agricultural Center, Route 30, Vernon/Rockville, Conn. Demonstrations, vendors and activities that include weaving, lace knitting, spinning demonstrations, needle felting and machine sock knitting. Lara Sullivan will be shearing sheep from the UConn flock. Wool quality workshop with Jo Judd and Bill Cournoyer as presenters, 2 p.m. in the Elliot Building.
The annual Vermont Maple Festival is April 27 and April 28 (yes, April) in St. Albans. Visit for a schedule of maple-y events.
Learn how to enhance wildlife habitats on existing and former agricultural areas, at a special event co-sponsored by CT DEEP Wildlife Division and Bolton Heritage Farm Commission, Saturday, April 27, 2 p.m. at Bolton Town Hall. Free, open to the public. For information call Jane Seymour (860) 306-5418.
Outside exhibitors are welcome to bring their machinery and set up for the day at the Connecticut Antique Machinery Association (CAMA) Spring Power-Up and Open House on Saturday, May 4, rain or shine. There is no charge for exhibitors to display their antique machinery-related items. Outside vendors may set up for a nominal fee. To sell (vend), email CAMA with your request. Only antique, vintage or machinery-related items may be sold at the power-up. Here's a link to their site.
Great Swamp Walk in Rhode Island on Sunday, April 28, 2 to 5 p.m., led by Kimball naturalist Bob Kenney. Cost is $12; $6 for children. Pre-registration is required, call (401) 949-5454 or e-mail Great Swamp Management Area is at 277 Great Neck Rd., South Kingstown.
Explore Massachusetts's Great Salt Marsh and national wildlife refuges on a three-day guided bike tour timed to coincide with the return of songbirds to one of the finest bird-watching destinations in the eastern U.S. Explore a diverse habitat of barrier beaches, dunes, tidal salt marshes and coastal forests April 26 to April 28. To register call (508) 545-1864.
Or sign up now for the Connecticut Trails Day beach and plant identification walk on June 1, starting at 10 a.m., Meigs Point Nature Center at Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison. Free, but you must pre-register and admission to the park is charged. Call Ranger Russ Miller at (860) 462-9643 or (203) 245-8743 for more about the day's activities.
Additional events, listings and interesting places on our blog.