Before New Departure, A Woolen Mill
A look back to an interesting show that took place in the building.
Meriden Show with Quarter Million Dollar Display Goes Big: Initial Venture Held in Mammoth Factory of New Departure Company Is Resultful to Degree Not Anticipated by Most Optimistic of Promoters – a report from The Accessory and Garage Journal Vol XI No 1 (1921), digitized by Google

If only the walls and these beams could talk. Overhead in the oldest section of the structure – modern office space – are exposed handsome wooden beams and woodwork. TW/MDP

“MERIDEN, CONN. – Expressions of amazement emanated spontaneously from the lips of those persons privileged to ‘peep in' at the marvelous display of automobiles of many makes displayed at Meriden's first automobile show in the New Departure factory building. Cars and accessories valued approximately at a quarter of a million dollars were exhibited The show was opened formally at 8 o'clock this evening when Mayor Henry T. King welcomed Meridenites and out of town visitors to the show.
“The New Departure orchestra of Bristol played throughout the afternoon. The New Departure factory auditorium was a splendid choice for the automobile show as it is completely adapted to the necessities of such a display. The show was arranged by men who have been connected with automobile exhibitions for many years and it was said by persons in a position to render a reliable verdict that the Meriden show was of a higher brand than any given in the state thus far this season. Enthusiasm over the affair had been keen for many days but it mounted higher and higher and the exclamations of surprise and wonder heard when the auditorium opened were numerous and frequent. The automobile agents expressed pride that the first venture should be so promising and out of town dealers commented on the excellence of the whole display from the hall decorations to the beautiful palatial sedans and suburban models which actually radiated their own pride and satisfaction in their graceful lines and glistening luster from their places on the floor. Practically all of the cars had been placed at an early hour and a corps of men were busy grooming and furnishing them that they might appear more dazzling and attractive to the hundreds of people who found their way into the great hall. The whole display produced a truly gorgeous effect the jaunty colors of sport models reflecting the light of the festoons of multi-colored electric light bulbs in a dancing iridescent sheen which was caught up with the darker and more conventional hues of the touring and town models. And there were trucks, too, which gave a variety to the automotive display. The committee in charge is headed by Charles Tredenick. The other members are Frank Ray and John Day, who was mainly responsible for the launching of the automobile show project. Due to the hearty cooperation of Charles M. Geering, division manager of the New Departure company, the committee has been able to avail itself of every facility that the manufacturing plant has been able to offer all of which has counted big in the success of the show.”
As to the exact location of the company auditorium and this jazzy auto show – no clues are given.
Back to story about the building, business, history.