Seek, find. Remember. Do your best.
At your funeral, friends and family will argue over who gets what.
People will want food to eat.
The topic will shift from your life to their lives.
They'll drive away thinking about their looming todo list.
Some people won't be able to make it because "something came up."…
— Alex Hormozi (@AlexHormozi) March 29, 2023
“…a writer is always writing, seeing everything through a thin mist of words, fitting swift little descriptions to everything [s]he sees, always noticing.”
Shirley Jackson pic.twitter.com/x86hdDzSpZ
— Moo Dog Press (@MooDogPress) February 4, 2023
Twitter can be therapeutic. Really.
Worry Management!
can you do something about it right now?
If YES, then make an action plan to solve it and see what you can do to help.
If NO, a lot a yourself a time in the day to worry and fuss over it, to give yourself time to get over it!#WorryManagement #WorryLess pic.twitter.com/q5FFKVipj6
— Talk Plus (@TalkPlusNHS) July 22, 2021
“I never wanted to let fear put my dreams to sleep.” -Stevie Wonder in @summerofsoul 💥
— Caroline Losneck (@CarolineLosneck) July 7, 2021
The most dangerous thing about carrying a cell phone everywhere is that you're never bored. Boredom, like pain, is a signal.
— Paul Graham (@paulg) May 30, 2021
So much in the creative process is to do with confidence.
A writer must believe that she/he has something to say that is worth listening to, even if they are not sure people will hear it.
As a reader, we want to allow/submit ourselves in order to be led anywhere.#writing— Jonny Geller (@JonnyGeller) March 24, 2021
Just remember some tweets are for everyone and some tweets are for no one, but some tweets are just for yourself.
— Reta Coffman (@Retacof) November 6, 2015
1/20. Democracy is precious and exceptional.
— Timothy Snyder (@TimothyDSnyder) November 11, 2020

Sallie Ann, a memorial at Gettysburg National Military Park. A little dog that would not leave her humans on the battlefield.
I’m actually kind of optimistic about NFTs and the media industry, because cheap digital swag could mean a lot for subscriber communities (vs flashy ‘we sold this column as an NFT’ $$$ stunts) https://t.co/beZUJ1hAxA
— Kyle Chayka (@chaykak) March 29, 2021
if I wasn't ALREADY doing this. Would I do this?
If this whole project dissapeared tomorrow. And I had total freedom.
Is this the project I would pick to work on?
Are these the first people I would call to work on it with me?If yes – keep calm and carry on
If no – end it— Shaan Puri (@ShaanVP) May 2, 2021
Twitter is amazing.
Some of the world’s best thinkers take the time to share what they know. And by simply following them, you can know it too.
— Matthew Kobach (@mkobach) April 27, 2021
Many founders aren’t hiring from Harvard. They’re hiring from Twitter.
— balajis.com (@balajis) April 29, 2021
“I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn’t show”
Andrew Wyeth
Olson’s In The Snow
1975 pic.twitter.com/WTLjYe4oDE— Jo Coyne (@Jopolkadot) November 14, 2019
Andrew Wyeth
Olson House
. pic.twitter.com/7xDzFv92gW— guglielmina s (@GuglielminaS) December 6, 2019
"Utopía significa no rendirse a las cosas tal como soy y luchar por las cosas tal como debieram ser." Claudio Magris
Georgia O'Keeffe 'Wave, Night', 1916 pic.twitter.com/kPa4zqiRO0
— Teresa Veiga (@TeresaVeiga1) July 14, 2020