Meriden Photographer Burton H. Hubbell And…
Burton Henry Hubbell, 1863-1912 (the following research compiled and courtesy of Chris Hendricks, Meriden Historical Society.)
1863, March 20 – Born in Hamden
1880, City Directory, Meriden – Hubbell, Burton H., emp C. Parker Co., bds, Newton
1885, City Directory, Meriden – Hubbell, Burton H., emp W. S. P. Co., bds 31 Newton
(Wilcox Silver Plate Co.)
1890, City Directory, Meriden – Hubbell, Burton H., painter, 53 Newton, bds
1890, Photo of Casper Hall Place (History, see attached, 1762-1837)
1894, Book by HUBBELL, Burton H: A Wheel in Acadia [594087] [Boston]
Acadian Wheeling Tourists (A privately printed book of photographs documenting an 11-day bicycle and boating trip by the bicycle club, July 1894)
Member of the Meriden Bicycle Club
1895, City Directory, Meriden – Hubbell, Burton H., artist and photographer, 53 Newton, bds do
1902, City Directory, Meriden – Hubbell, Burton H., photographer and painter, 53 Newton, bds do
1909, Married Mabel Edith Eick Hubbell, died 1979
About 1909, Secured employment with Edward Miller & Co
1910, Daughter, Asa Horton Hubbell, died 1963
1912, City Directory, Meriden – Hubbell, Burton H., painter, h 53 Newton
1912, October 23 – Died in Meriden
He was a member of the First Baptist church and Meriden Center lodge, I. O. O. F. He leaves a wife and two small children.
Aged 49, died Wednesday evening at 8:45 o’clock at his home, 53 Newton Street after an illness of only four days. He was taken sick Sunday with pleurisy and it quickly developed into pneumonia. Wednesday his condition steadily grew worse and his recovery was despaired of.
The funeral of Burton H. Hubbell will be held at the home Saturday afternoon at 1:30, Rev. B. N. Timble officiating. Friends may view the face from 12 to 1 o’clock. The body will be taken on the 3:26 train to New Haven by Undertaker R. G. May. Burial will be in the family plot in Evergreen cemetery.
(2023, photo of headstone requested. 1833-1867 George Lewis Hubbell, Plot 48)
2016, May 17 – Carol Hubbell Boggs, granddaughter, on FaceBook.
2016, July 17 – Carol Hubbell Boggs, Inquiry re: Elaborately decorated, silver plated ice skates, 1890s
2023, September 26 – Search FaceBook for “Burton Henry Hubbell” brings up Photos.
Casper Hall Place
Jonathan Law
Rev. Samuel Hall is buried in the Hillside Cemetery, Cheshire, CT b. 10/04/1695 d. 02/26/1776
Brenton Hall is buried in the Broad Street Cemetery, Meriden, CT b. 04/02/1738 d. 11/25/1820
1762, February 18 – Married Lament Collins. The house is said to have been built by Rev. Samuel for his sone at about the date of his marriage, viz. 1762. Located on Old Liberty Street near Preston Avenue.
1767, August 4 – Brenton received deed to farm and two hundred acres of land in Middletown from Rev. Samuel
1784, May 18 – After the death of his wife in 1782, he married Widow Abigail (Baldwin) Guy of Branford. He had eight children by his first wife and four by his second.
1788 – Hon. Brenton Hall, Esq., (one of Meriden’s forefathers) became representative of his native town of Wallingford in the general assembly and was repeatedly re-elected for fourteen years up to 1802. From 1794 to 1803 the records show that he was very active and influential in having the town of Meriden set off from Wallingford. His father, one of the leading ministers of Connecticut. His grandfather, Jonathan Law, was one of the most distinguished governors of the colony. Two of his great great grandfathers were John Eliot, the “Apostle” and Governor William Brenton of Rhode Island.
Note: Lyman Hall, cousin, was a member of the Continental congress, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and in 1783 was elected governor of Georgia.
Casper Hall is buried in the East Cemetery, Meriden, CT b. 04/15/1790 d. 04/07/1869, The Meriden Weekly Republican, Thursday, April 28, 1904, Article entitled: Founded Meriden, Brenton Hall’s Descendants Living Here
Note: The image that sparked the query and quest:
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There's more to come as details are found.
Read the rocks in the scene below? Meriden near New Dam or High Hill? (Linked to source, more images.)

“Burton Henry Hubbell (1862 – 1912) Photos from glass plates by Photo History
Just found these in my archives. I am now just scanning old glass plates in my collection from acquisition back in 1960-70s. Never scanned in before, only glanced at negative in light!This box doing today has abt 20 in it & first of any ID for them was this one. Looks like he might be the photographer. I think he could be the painter B H Hubbell also?”