In Gardens
Beauty to grow. To go.
Do you speak plant and understand leaf scars in winter to identify trees?

Step down into this half in the earth greenhouse, cool and a great idea if imagined with solar glass panels. Logee's of course; Danielson, CT.
“They have been an enormous help to me over the past three years, and they are truly instrumental in the continuation and future development of the Book Barn gardens.” – wrote Maureen “Mo” White, co-owner of the Book Barn and passionate gardener.
Feature story linked here. Or go see; each visit there is something new in bloom – and there are quiet spots to just sit and enjoy a good book.“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero (Almost. Add canine and equine companions. And coffee. Seasoned wood, cut, stacked, split.)