An Exploration With Connecticut East (Then CGA Gymkhana)
Note: A portion of this story has been updated and moved. Podcast is live now; revised story is linked here.
With @ConnecticutEast, behind-the-scenes exploration at @mysticseaport’s vast (carefully cared for, stored, archived) collections.
— Moo Dog Press (@MooDogPress) April 27, 2022
Brian Scott-Smith (left) interviews Krystal Rose, Curator of Collections at Mystic Seaport Museum.
Also see: (Still thinking of penguin egg, drawers of objects. Her narrated tours, farm/barns as a young girl. Vault of negatives, film waiting.) #learning
— Moo Dog Press (@MooDogPress) April 28, 2022
Now, let's switch over to another arena of life. Equines, teamwork, fun on a glorious day in May.

Donna. John mid-gallop, focused like a hawk on his ride, goal. CGA Gymkhana, which is similar to a field day at school, but with horses and riders trying out skills, ability. Encouragement and teamwork along the way. Learning happens for both equine and human which each experience, no matter the chronological age.
Bethany, arena and support provided by Lock, Stock & Barrel. Walking between worlds perspective is gained. Listening to others provides additional dimensions to a story, stories. And spreads the word between some interesting people met by chance. Retired nurse. Historian filling in at the Haddam library. A business owner who brought three horses into the ring, also did the CGA logo on a white trailer.
Jessica Rutledge on Jace, 17-year-old Quarter Horse gelding. She is a member of Connecticut Gymkhana Association.
(Gymkhana is similar to field day event for schools, but for riders, horses. Display of skills, to encourage each other. Try and do, work out. Fun.)
— Moo Dog Press (@MooDogPress) May 2, 2022
More images of the CGA gymkhana (respectful spectators always welcome at events; new members encouraged.) More images linked here, continued.
Note: Amid a tsunami of current events unfolding, a bedrock foundation of people, dedication, excellence for grounding provides the footing. To read more, know that Twitter serves as a news ticker of sorts. Facebook handles upcoming noteworthy events and news, information.
Finally, a visit to Meriden-Markham Airport, just because of a personal passion for aviation and to remember.
— Moo Dog Press (@MooDogPress) May 2, 2022